Monthly Archives: March 2014

Questions For Christians Series #5: What if someone was raised in a different religion?

I’m launching a new series called Questions For Christians. These questions are compiled from personal conversations and research from non-believers.


How would someone know any better if they were raised in a different religion?



The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God has set eternity in our hearts. He has given us knowledge of Him even in His creations (Romans 1:20.) Which means that God has put the knowledge of His EXISTENCE into our hearts. The reasons we do not pursue Him and grow in knowledge of Him is because of our own pride and selfishness . In Deuteronomy 4:29 we learn that God is available to us when we call!
Should we decide to seek Him, who has been instilled in our hearts, we will find Him. It’s as simple as that. God is a Just God. When people blatantly deny Him, their hearts are cold and they will not see eternity in Heaven.

**All scripture is from the New International Version unless noted otherwise.

Questions For Christians Series #4: Is Questioning God Okay?

I’m launching a new series called Questions For Christians. These questions are compiled from personal conversations and research from non-believers.


Is Questioning God Okay?



Throughout the Bible, God is questioned. We can see throughout Psalms, God is questioned repeatedly. The biggest difference between how we’re questioning Him is this: Are we questioning earnestly, or are we questioning God’s goodness?
In questioning Him, we must already believe in Him and have faith in Him. It’s harmless to ask God things like, “Why did this happen to me?”, “What is the purpose of this?”, or “What do you want me to do next?” These types of questions don’t put God Himself to question but His purpose- His plans (Hebrews 11:6).

Photo Credit:

Questions For Christians Series #3: How to discern God’s voice from Satan’s voice?

I’m launching a new series called Questions For Christians. These questions are compiled from personal conversations and research from non-believers.


How to discern God’s voice from Satan’s voice?



I recently wrote an article about discerning the voice of God but I will recap briefly here. First of all, anything God tells you will never contradict the Bible. God does not manipulate, deceive, coerce or lie. It helps knowing how God feels about you, His creation, to really get a good perspective of what someone, who loves you so deeply, will say (Ephesians 2:4-5.)

Most of the time we can easily discern His voice from our own worldly desires but we are not always accepting to it. This can be difficult when we have our own plans and you convince yourself that your ideas are better. But God always knows best (Proverbs 3:5.)

Another tip to discerning His voice is to ask yourself if your “options” or thoughts will ultimately give glory to God (1 Corinthians 10:31.) It can be a challenge to ask this question, especially if it’s something simple. If you’re looking to purchase something, I would say that as long as you can afford the purchase and it does not disobey God’s laws, such as what is modest and appropriate, then you should be okay. Which brings me to my next point.

If you want to go out with friends and go to a club where there will be excessive drinking and provocative dancing, this will not glorify God and it is also blatantly against scripture (Proverbs 23:20-21, Ephesians 5:18, 2 Timothy 2:22.) Putting those decisions alongside God’s Word will help you decide what is best and which “voice” to listen to.

Eventually, things will become easier and the more you familiarize yourself with God’s Word and the more you have a constant dialogue and relationship with Him, the better things will be in discerning His voice.


*All scripture is from the New International Version unless noted otherwise.

Does Suicide Send You to Hell?

Does Suicide Send You to Hell?
Is Suicide The “Unforgivable” Sin?


I did a little research on a particular subject which some Christians appear to be confused about today. While I already knew the answer, I wanted to find something which had biblical evidence to support the truth to the matter and a good read that will make sense to Christians.

I came across this article and I’m anxious to share it with everyone. I know there are lots of articles on the Internet but this wraps it up accurately.

Read the article HERE.

*Picture credit:

Questions For Christians Series #2: Sin From The Old Testament

I’m launching a new series called Questions For Christians. These questions are compiled from personal conversations and research from non-believers.


Sin from the Old Testament was cleansed by good works, now the New Testament teaches that you only have to be forgiven to be cleansed. How is that and why is there such a drastic difference?



The biggest difference between the Old and New Testaments is the birth of Jesus Christ. In reading the Old Testament, you quickly find out that sin is cleansed through animal sacrifice. Animal sacrifice actually began after the fall of Adam and Eve. God killed animals to clothe them because they were no longer pure. Animal sacrifice was very important in the Old Testament as a temporary cleansing of sins, because as we find in Hebrews 9:22, there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. You can read in the Old Testament that scripture seemed to foreshadow the coming of Christ as the Ultimate Sacrifice.

In the New Testament, the animal sacrifices were not necessary anymore because of the price Jesus paid on the cross for our sins. He paid our debt and was the Ultimate Sacrifice for our forgiveness (Hebrews 10:4-7.)

*All scripture is from the New International Version unless noted otherwise.

My Sunday Sermon Journal: Restore System Defaults

My Sunday Sermon Journal

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and notes taken from a Sunday Worship Service.


Going through Ephesians 4:17-24.

Allowing God to pour His light that it changes our thinking.

Negative Stereotypes about righteous living may include: That righteous living is prudish, ridiculous, “holier than thou”, antiquated, old-fashioned…

We’re called to unity with God’s people. Our calling is our gift- our unique role. We need to reboot, restore our systems to our ORIGINAL PURPOSE. The purpose for which we were born to do…our calling.

The reality is that our culture is apart from Christ, darkened with our understanding and ignorant. When nothing can satisfy us, we need to know that ONLY GOD CAN SATISFY.

“Break my heart for what breaks yours…Hosanna…”

~Hosanna, Hillsong United

How to Restore our system defaults: Put off the old self, the flesh, the man of the earth who has deceitful desires. Take off the cultural “clothing” and get to a place where you hate those “clothes”!

Next, embrace the truth!  Embrace a new attitude.  C.S. Lewis says that before we can be saved we must WANT to be cured.  Truth is connected to lifestyle.  The things we believe greatly affect the way we live.

Put on the New Self.  Embrace the person God intended you to be.

How we live=how we think.

Right thinking -> Biblical thinking=Right LIVING.


Lord, give me the courage to change my lifestyle, reboot my system, to the purpose I was created for.  Father, restore my life and give me back what I’ve robbed from myself by succumbing to worldly desires. Help me to seek only which is in You and help me to have the courage to be obedient when You call me to make those decisions. Thank you for Your mercy, Your grace and Your forgiveness. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


Watch the sermon Restore System Defaults

Pastor: Doug Kyle
Sermon: Restore System Defaults

Series: (Kal-eh-o) “Calling”

Aired 02/02/14

Sermon Outline: Follow Along!